Nebraska Organ Recovery


Nebraska Organ Recovery

Project Brief

92 West was approached by the Nebraska Organ Recovery organization to update their logo for use on their new website with the inclusion of the tagline. We modified the logo and then created visual comps to illustrate how the logo would be seen by the end users. The process was quick and we were able to provide NOR with the modified logo for use in print, web, social and office products.

Scope of Work

Client Overview

Nebraska Organ Recovery System (NORS) is the federally designated organ procurement organization (OPO) for Nebraska and Pottawattamie County in Iowa. Formed in 1977, NORS is a not-for-profit agency that is independent of any hospital or transplant center. NORS is responsible for the evaluation, recovery, preservation, coordination, and distribution of all organs as well as the recovery of bone, tendon, heart valves, and connective tissue for transplantation. Additionally, NORS provides public and professional education regarding donation throughout the state and Pottawattamie County, IA.

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Nebraska Organ Recovery

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