Performance Driven Digital Marketing with PPC

Boost Your Conversion Rate and Reduce Your Costs.

Over the years, AdWords has grown significantly and is now more competitive and costlier than ever. As such, you’ll need to employ various inventive tactics to achieve substantial results with your PPC campaigns.

We outline 6 simple real-time tactics that, if properly implemented, can help you gain more from your PPC campaigns.

1. Keep up with Your Industry Trends

This industry moves fast. Keep abreast on what’s happening and connect to your industry peers. When you know your industry (like your favorite burger joint) then you’ll begin to see trends before they unfold — creating opportunities… profitable opportunities. If you are not that guy… or don’t want to be that guy… then get one.

2. Google Absolutely. Ignore Bing at Your Own Risk

While Bing is often associated with a less tech-savvy and slightly older demographic, the search engine can be a great place to try out your PPC campaign. It has cheaper CPCs and often records higher conversions and ROAS (although this mostly depends on your product).

Tempted to step into the Yahoo! market place? Well, we’ve experienced Yahoo! Gemini and found that it’s performance this last year has had a less than solid PPC track record for e-commerce. However, some insurance and financial services industries have recorded impressive PPC payouts of between 50-250% ROAS on Gemini. Product and Placement… Still key in marketing; digital or otherwise.

3. Test Everything

In addition to testing new ads and numerous other elements within those ads, it’s also important that you examine other relevant aspects such as your account structure and bidding strategies. This can help you discover what works best for you.

4. Test Different AdWords Betas

Recently, AdWords introduced a new Beta known as “Customer Match.” This is a powerful tool that allows you to retarget people who’ve shown an interest in specific products or whitepapers before. With it, you can also remarket your products to people on search or those in your email list. Additionally, you can also test other available AdWords Betas such as DSK and DSA to find out which among them delivers the best results.

For us, the added market data provided an increase in conversions but we didn’t save that much on ad spend. I think the “Customer Match” section will definitely be an asset to incorporate in all of our remarketing campaigns soon.

5. It’s About Finding the Right Audience.

One of the most effective ways of improving your PPC campaigns results is by testing different targeting, analyzing the resulting data, and optimizing efforts for the target audience that works. As such, consider setting up demos and ad sets for target audiences with similar characteristics as those who’ve bought your products before. You can do this on Facebook or any other platform you deem appropriate depending on your products. Remember to also record and analyze your data for future references and frankly you may be surprised who your client’s actually are or could be.

6. Use Collected Data to Improve your Future Campaign Strategies

When starting out with a PPC campaign, your goal should be to take as many actions as possible while also collecting as much data. Some of the key data to collect include AdWords conversion data, Call Tracking data, Google Analytics goal tracking, etc. Once you have this information, use it to optimize any subsequent PPC campaigns.

Bringing it Home

When conducting any PPC campaign, it’s important that you keep testing and tracking everything while also keeping a close eye on your industry’s trends. Never ignore the little-known platforms as their newly introduced features can prove to be unlikely cost-effective alternatives.

Most importantly, try to be innovative since even the best practices become outdated at some point.

If you need help with PPC or even advice on how to improve your existing campaigns performance give us a shout. We’re happy to share knowledge and help other businesses succeed. Plus… if you happen to become a client along the way even better!

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